Ja’Tovia Gary, Isaac Julien and Kaja Silverman in conversation before the Looking for Langston (1989) screening during the Poetic Cinema: Isaac Julien and the Sankofa Film & Video Collective programmatic series. Photograph by Derek Rigby. Courtesy of the Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania.

Silverman with the late Robert G. Ousterhout

Kaja Silverman with artist John Muse during her visit to his exhibition, "Extra Medium," curated by Homay King. (Cantor Fitzgerald Art Gallery, Haverford College, September 2023)

Hale’s Angels, RaMell Ross, Photograph by Kaja Silverman at Pace Gallery NYC January 19th, 2023

Silverman working on Blue World Gallery, Philadelphia, 2023

Silverman teaching “What is an object?”, UC Berkeley, 2000

(Please cite kajasilverman.com when reproducing images.)